Quiet book – Tractor
It goes without saying that a quiet book about a farm, should contain at least 1 tractor.
And since my brother (who lives in the country, so he should know) claims that a real gent drives a Fendt, I didn’t have to search long to find a good example.
This page of the quiet book mainly consists of felt. Only the farmer’s overalls are made of some recycled jeans.
Jeans I had already recycled before, to make the little guy’s bucket hat. Jeans that will show up again soon, in a following project to come.
To make it stand out more that the yellow field represented a wheat field, I embroidered it full with ears of wheat. By hand. A very good exercise in learning to have patience, I must say.
I now have 4 pages. I need at least 10, to come to a real book, I think. I’ve already sketched a horse and a pig, but I need to find some inspiration for the remaining 4 pages. Do you have any ideas?
Een zwarte kat… ♥♥♥
Dat er een Mika gewenst was, dat wist ik al 😛
Konijntjes? Ik vind dit echt supertof!
Goed idee, bedankt 🙂
Varkentjes met een grappige krulstaart, een hond, eendjes, een boom met appeltjes of ander fruit, een hooiberg
Nog meer ideetjes nodig? Haha, succes, het ziet er al heel mooi uit!