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Come on let’s stitch and bitch again

There’s a new Debbie Stoller book out, woot! This one is called Stitch ’n Bitch Superstar Knitting: Go Beyond the Basics.

  More tutorials, more patterns. And thanks to my very own Superstar Husband and his pre-order amazon list, it’s already mine! That’s why I married him folks 🙂

My copy arrived yesterday. So I was kind of unavailable for conversation yesterday evening, I needed to focus focus focus. It contains 41 new patterns, and I want to knit at least 35 of them. And try out all the new techniques that are described. And, of course, the biggest challenge of all, try to create my very own patterns. Thank you Debbie, you made my day once again!

And now I need to find the time to get started on all those projects… All suggestions are welcome!

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