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5 alternatives for your classic christmas tree

It’s almost December, and almost time to get in the holiday spirit! And while a classic christmas tree sure looks very charming, it’s also very sad to see how it loses its needles, and how in the end it – completely bald – it ends up on the side walk, waiting for its definitive end.

So why not try something else? For the past few years, we’ve tried out some alternatives of different shapes and sizes. Here they are!

1. A post-it tree

Difficulty? Easy.

Supplies? A (relatively) clean window and post-its in different colours. Golden tip: avoid that your post-its get all curly by removing them as follows:

Recycable? As shopping lists, and after that with the rest of the paper.

2. A washi tape tree

Difficulty? Easy.

Supplies? One (or more) rolls of washi tape, and an empty wall.

Recycable? Out with the rest of the paper.

Would you like to add some reindeer as well? Read on.

3. A chalk marker tree

Difficulty? Easy.

Supplies? A clean window and one (or more, depending on the colours you want) chalk marker.

Recycable? Washable.

4. A cardboard tree

Difficulty? Medium.

Supplies? A big empty box, a ruler, a geometry triangle and a pair of scissors or a utility knife.

Recycable? Easy to fold away, or recycle it with the rest of the paper.

Up for it? Read the instructions.

5. A wooden tree

Difficulty? Expert.

Utilities? 2 wooden boards, a ruler, a geometry triangle, a pencil, an electric screwdriver, some screws, a jig saw, sanding paper and some sturdy tape. And paint, if you want to paint it as well (use magnetic or chalk board paint, it adds a lot of decoration possibilities)

Recycable? Easy to fold away, and reusable for years! Sick of it? Donate it to the thrift shop. Broke it? Depending on the type of wood and/or paint you used, you can compost it.

Up for it? Read the instructions.

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