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Johnny the hobby horse

We had a stick lying around the house. A nice and thick one. One that was asking to be turned into a hobby horse. Not just for the stick, but also for Ronny, our first horse. It was getting a bit lonely.

Hobby horse number 2, Johnny, was born out of a torn sock. One with a big-toe hole. So I cut out an extra hole on the other side, and sewed some black felt behind it. Now Johnny has 2 nostrils.

As for the rest, I made Johnny in the same way as Ronny. Except that Johnny has curly hair. That’s because the hair yarn was part of an overzealously knit scarf I made for myself (so long it was getting dangerous to cycle), and that I frogged a bit after it was finished.

I guess I could spray some water on to straighten it out again. But where’s the fun in that 😉

Do any of you ever make clothes out of torn garments?

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