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Radio crochet

On Wednesday 13 May, the Kouter, one of the squares here in Ghent, will be overrun by a real knitting guerrilla. Initiated by Ha’fest, the whole square will get covered in colour. All that to be ready for Radio Crochet, which will take place on Saturday 16 May, and which consists of a sing-along meetup for young and old.

No knitting guerrilla or Radio Crochet without colourful swatches, of course. Time to dive into that leftover yarn. And if you don’t have enough leftover yarn, you can get some yarn at the Handelsbeurs as well. How nice is that?

Apart from that, I also started Ekkergemaakt in our neighbourhood last month. The aim? Get together with neighbours of all ages, to sew together, knit together and crochet together. To learn from each other, and of course, to get to know each other better. No better sound to chat to than the sound of ticking knitting needles or a purring sewing machine. And all that just around the corner, how easy can it be?

The math was simple. Ekkergemaakt + Radio Crochet, that should add up to a very nice knitted/crochet flag line. I already started some flags, and I’m hoping my fellow Ekkergemaakt participants will join in as well. I wonder where we’ll end!

Who else is participating?

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