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Geek alert!

As a child, I was ever so slightly (hahaha, ever so slightly, she says!) addicted to my Gameboy. I told you about that before. What I didn’t say back then, is that my addiction wasn’t limited to that Gameboy. Hypothetically, for instance, it might just have happened that I told my friends while out and about that I really had to go home and get some sleep. While in fact, and this is still very hypothetical, I went home to play Sonic Heroes on my PS2 until the early morning hours.

So when I was about to tackle some more onesies, I thought, let’s get those old heroes involved.

So Sonic is there.

And Spyro.

And Mario and Luigi, of course.

And to limit the geekiness a tiny bit, I also made another Lada lover, so my little boy can go hit the town with his uncle.

And what have we learned?

  • Transfer paper isn’t that ideal for onesies, the drawings do crack pretty easily. But of course you can also call that a vintage look.
  • If you  don’t have any baking paper lying around(and you are lazy as me), don’t just use the paper wrapping around the chocolate to iron your drawing on. You may just transfer the glue as well and make spots that can’t be removed anymore. And then you have to hide that fact by placing another onesie over it.

So. Anyone else suffering from hypothetical addictions?

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