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Happy new year

I’m a bit late wishing everyone my best, I know. I can explain, though. I’m just not that much into New Year and all that comes with it. The past few days I did read a lot of blog posts looking back into the old or forward into the new year. And so I started to think about the things that happened to me last year.
Not that it needed much thought. Without a doubt, 2012 was the year that changed my life completely. I became a mom. No other personal achievement can beat that.
But as I said, I’m not that much into New Year. And thus I’m not that much of a New Year’s resolutions person either. All those well-meant resolations always give me the feeling that people are secretely disappointed about the past year. I already know there’s no point in me telling everyone I’ll eat less sugar. I mean, I try that at least twice a week already, new year or not. So no real resolutions for 2013 for me, just the following goals:
Get through all these Time magazines. I must be almost a year behind by now. I guess in a way, 2013 will be a lot like 2012 for me!
Get more sleep. I need it.
Spend as much time with my two guys as I can. Because they make me happy.
How about you? Do you have a long list with resolutions? Or are you more the “We’ll see” type, like me?
Happy 2013!
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