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Rattle plane toy – Free crochet pattern

Ah Pinterest. Yet another procrastination tool available at your finger tips. Don’t get me wrong, I really like it. But, just as with Ravelry and Craftsy, I tend to wander off and get all this inspiration, yet end up doing nothing at all. Instead of getting my sewing machine or knitting needles out, I just go on surfing. Sure, the inspiration board gets fuller and fuller, but the list with finished projects? That one remains pretty much the same.

Anyone else suffering the same problem? If so, feel free to follow me on any of these platforms 🙂

But still, I got one done recently. Inspired by the airplane rattles from Global Affairs, I got going.

All you need is some leftover yarn and a cat toy.

Of course, you will have to explain to the cat that the toy is no longer a cat toy, but has been promoted / demoted (depending from whose point of view you see it) to a baby toy.

See the jealous look in Pino’s eyes?
And then the baby doesn’t even play with it, what a waste!

The attentive readers among you may have noticed that the colours in the picture with the leftover yarn don’t match with the colours I actually used for this plane. That’s because I’m working on a bigger version as well.

This smaller version is 12 cm (4.7 in) long and 12 cm (4.7 in) wide. You can download the pattern for free.

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