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How to work in I-cord

An I-cord is a small knitted cord, used for instance in hoodies, for handbags, or, in my case, for cat toys. They mostly consist of 2 to 4 stitches and are really easy to make.

What you need

How to do it

    1. Cast on the necessary amount of stitches on one of the dpns. In my case, there were 2.
    2. Take the needle with the stitches on in your left hand, but turn the needle from left to right while doing so. The last stitch you cast on is now the last stitch on the dpn, the stitch closest to your arm, the yarn hanging from the left.
    3. Knit the first stitch, leading your yarn from the back of the left needle to the front to do so. Pull the yarn tight while doing so.

      How to work in I-cord

      It will look as follows from the back:

      How to work in I-cord

    4. Knit the remaining stitches.
    5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until desired length.
      How to work in I-cord
    6. Break your yarn and, using a tapestry needle, pull this yarn through the stitches to cast off.
    7. Secure yarn.

Your I-cord is now ready for use.

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